Give a child the gift of reading and his/her imagination soars!

Collecting books and shipping them to Ghana.

  • FRESH was the recipient of hundreds of books from St. Louis, MO's Mary Institute Country Day School (MICDS) Lower and Middle School Libraries. Books were shipped from St. Louis to Clearwater, FL in August 2022.

  • MICDS Lower School Librarian, Thomas Buffington (left) and MICDS Upper School History Teacher, Changa Bey (right), load books for shipping.

  • FRESH also received book donations from the Clearwater, FL Public Library.

  • transatlantic cargo ship

  • The books arrived in the Village of Kpekpo, Ghana on October 29, 2022. As they were being transported, book shelves were being built.

Sorting and cataloging library books.

FRESH is using Libib, a cloud-based cataloging system.

The books are heading to the library!

The books were carried from the guest house to the library.

Preparing the FRESH library.

The FRESH library has 917 books!

The children are enjoying the FRESH library!